weekend in photos - chitown iphone edition

It's freezing in Chicago and it's not even February yet! I've been braving the cold by wearing extra layers, a wool coat with a ridiculously big hoodie, all the while attending events and mingling with friends. I had a blast at my friend Libby's bday party at Nellcote, enjoyed some delicious food at MingHin Cuisine in Chinatown, listened to Lorde, got a painless cartilage piercing at Insight Studios and had fun talking about old family photos and life with friends. I've been learning how to take the subway (the L for those of you who can't stand that term) and trying to give more to my community while job searching. I caught a cold on Saturday but hoping I get better for Thanksgiving. My friend recommended zinc lozenges which have been quite soothing to my throat. Check out my iPhone shots, and I'll be posting how to take professional photos on the iPhone this week! Trust me, great shots can be captured on any device. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, staying warm. xx